Saturday, November 22, 2008

Degrees of Freedom

"You cannot come to know the depths of the purpose of your life, however, if you are not willing to release those parts of your life that are no longer necessary."

For some time now it has seemed as though blogging on this idea has run its course. I've said what I have to say, and while I continue to work on these ideas, I find that blogging without direct feedback is more distracting than helpful. It's time to do some more in-depth work, and to cultivate functional offline partnerships.

It was never my intention to do this work live, online and in real-time. My philosophical and scientific ideas will undoubtedly change over time, so recording them here and now is simply recording a snapshot or what I was thinking during that weird period in my life when I blogged.

Blogging has been an interesting experience, in no small part for the data it has provided on detecting the influence of other observers. Thanks for reading what I've written, and for putting up with any discontinuities that you may have observed. That I blogged for this long was due largely to some of the people that I've gotten to know along the way. ;)

My hope is that in releasing myself from this format of writing, I'll be able to find other ways to express what I'm thinking. (Preferably some intricate math; yeah, I know.) I hope to gain back a few degrees of freedom in my experiences as well. Right now I find myself reduced to thinking about things in blog-able terms. The experience is never as intense or meaningful as it could be if one part of your brain is always thinking about how it will become a story that you can tell.

Perhaps there are a few topics that I haven't sufficiantly addressed. Most likely this is because I do not feel that my own thoughts on the subject are sufficiently formed. Check back with me after I've had the chance to do some more research.